What this file does:
This g-code file will help you with dual-head leveling of your Axiom Dual Direct Drive by positioning the hotend close to the bed.
Once in this position, it will be easier to tell if one nozzle is higher or lower than the other.
How to use this file:
1) Download and save this file to a micro SD card.
2) Insert the micro SD card in your Axiom Dual Direct Drive and select the file on the menu.
3) The machine will warm up to ABS temperatures and perform the automatic cleaning and leveling procedures.
4) After leveling, the hotend will move to the middle of the build area and wait there.
!!! WARNING !!! at this point, the nozzles are still HOT so proceed with caution.
5) Locate the nozzle height adjustment screw by inserting a 2.5mm hex wrench in the opening highlighted by the green arrow below.
6) Check if the secondary nozzle is higher, lower or already at the same height compared to the primary nozzle. Only the secondary nozzle is able to move up and down.
*note: the primary nozzle is on the left, secondary on the right, when looking at the front of the printer*
6a.) If the secondary nozzle is higher than the primary, turn the hex wrench clockwise to lower the secondary nozzle until it reaches the same level as the primary nozzle.
6b.) If the secondary nozzle is lower than the primary, turn the hex wrench counter clockwise to raise the secondary nozzle until it reaches the same level as the primary nozzle.
6c.) If both nozzles are already at the same level do not turn the hex wrench in any direction.
7) Press the menu button to exit the calibration position on your printer.
8) The printer will home and go through the cool down procedure. You are now done.
If your machine continues to print too far or too close to the glass bed, refer to the Changing Printer Firmware video guide to change the z-offset of your machine.