
HDx - Cura - Installing and Setup
Description: The following instructions guide you to install Cura, which is the software used to do the following on Airwolf 3D printers: A...
Mon, 17 Aug, 2015 at 10:54 AM
HDx - Astroprint and Cura Settings
Description: The following instructions guide you through the settings for To see full details on astro's cloud based slicing, p...
Mon, 17 Aug, 2015 at 10:54 AM
HDx - Using Airwolf 3D's Recommended Settings
Description: Airwolf 3D provides recommended settings for the software Cura. The following walks through how to implement these settings.    ...
Mon, 17 Aug, 2015 at 10:55 AM
HDx - Change Settings at Different Z Heights
Description: This solution walks through the process of changing settings during a single print, per layer(s). This is for the current version 3.2. ...
Mon, 17 Aug, 2015 at 10:55 AM